Today, let's catch up on everything that happened from Point A, when I created this blog, to Point B, when I wrote my first post. It's only nine months, so it shouldn't take too long, right?
May 2011: Pukka Born
We have a whirlwind couple of weeks during which we get the hang of breastfeeding, relatives come to meet the new addition, I learn that recovery from birth lasts quite a bit longer than I was expecting (maybe it was the nine hours of pushing?), and there is no sleep. (I'll tell my/our birth story another day.)
(Sorry for the boob shot--there was no containing them post-birth!)
A blissful summer follows, as Pukka's birth was timed to match my husband's University work schedule, meaning we all three got to spend the whole summer at home together! It was every bit as amazing as it sounds. Every family should get to spend those amazing, attachment-building first months together.
During this first precious summer we visited lots of family, from North Dakota to New Mexico. Pukka got to meet grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins, uncles, aunts, and even brought together family members who had been feuding for twenty years! (Yeah, my father's side is Jewish and sometimes plays into the whole passionate-fighting-all-the-time stereotype. I'm half Chicago Jew and half Midwestern-silent-stoic German. My poor husband.)
(The downside of a Spring birth is wearing swimsuits immediately postpartum. Ugh.)
September 2011: My Husband Starts A Ph.D. Program
The celebratory champagne flutes were clunk (clinked?)
Not only did he start a Ph. D. program, work started back up for him full-time as well. Things changed a bit in our household. I became a more classic example of the "watch the baby, clean the house, cook dinner" stay-at-home mom. And since we down-sized to one car (one of many cost-saving measures to afford being at home with the baby), outings are at a minimum. Parent groups like La Leche League saved my life, as they gave (still give) me a way to meet other moms, a connection to the outside world, and a reason to change out of pajama pants earlier than2 p.m. Alright, alright, 3 p.m.
At the end of September, my husband flew overseas for school (grad school is located in England), and Pukka and I took the train for 13 hours to visit my mom and her side of the family. My husband teared up when he said goodbye. Having to be away from the little lady for a whole week was rough on him. The baby did remarkably well, and enjoyed the train :-) Her Grandma, Great-Grandma, and great-aunts and -uncles loved getting to see her! Despite having her first cold, fun was had by all. Oh, and great kindness was shown to me on the train. I'm sure it helped that Pukka is an engaging baby whose greatest joy is to smile at strangers and get them to smile back, and that I popped my boob in her mouth at even the slightest hint of a cry. Still, to the unknown woman who brought me a cup of coffee after 7 hours of overnight travel and 6 more hours until our destination: you saved my life. May I always remember to bring coffee to strangers traveling alone with small kids.
Halloween was celebrated sometime in-between.
Pukka was Winston Churchill complete with cardboard cigar, Hubby was Trent from Daria, and I was Inappropriately Sexy Michelle Bachmann (yes, that's why my eyes look like that.)
Less than two months later, we made the trip again (this time all three of us) to celebrate Thanksgiving. Pukka got more train practice. I learned that life is infinitely easier with another helpful adult around.

Ok, catching up on EVERYTHING is taking too long. I'll pick up where I left off tomorrow :-)
Anyone else FINALLY starting on that blog they've been meaning to write? Waxing nostalgic over the newborn period? Making inappropriate comments about their family-of-origin?
At the end of September, my husband flew overseas for school (grad school is located in England), and Pukka and I took the train for 13 hours to visit my mom and her side of the family. My husband teared up when he said goodbye. Having to be away from the little lady for a whole week was rough on him. The baby did remarkably well, and enjoyed the train :-) Her Grandma, Great-Grandma, and great-aunts and -uncles loved getting to see her! Despite having her first cold, fun was had by all. Oh, and great kindness was shown to me on the train. I'm sure it helped that Pukka is an engaging baby whose greatest joy is to smile at strangers and get them to smile back, and that I popped my boob in her mouth at even the slightest hint of a cry. Still, to the unknown woman who brought me a cup of coffee after 7 hours of overnight travel and 6 more hours until our destination: you saved my life. May I always remember to bring coffee to strangers traveling alone with small kids.
Pukka was Winston Churchill complete with cardboard cigar, Hubby was Trent from Daria, and I was Inappropriately Sexy Michelle Bachmann (yes, that's why my eyes look like that.)
Less than two months later, we made the trip again (this time all three of us) to celebrate Thanksgiving. Pukka got more train practice. I learned that life is infinitely easier with another helpful adult around.
Ok, catching up on EVERYTHING is taking too long. I'll pick up where I left off tomorrow :-)
Anyone else FINALLY starting on that blog they've been meaning to write? Waxing nostalgic over the newborn period? Making inappropriate comments about their family-of-origin?